The story behind this assignment was that I was put into contact with a gentleman in New Jersey who was looking for a replacement scroll for his AoA that was lost during the Hurricane Sandy which affected much of the Jersey coast in October 2012. He's been in the SCA a while and wanted to get a new scroll made at the urging of his children who are now getting interested in the SCA and wondered why he didn't have a scroll. In comes Christiana and her ever vigilant facilitating of people who need old scrolls done to talk to the Backlog Deputy (me).
Coolest thing about this assignment? Check out the royals. Tsurunaga and Genevieve...1993
Recipient: Dorian de San Kalogero
Assignment: Award of Arms - backlog/replacement
Illumination: British Library - Harley 3957

Hand: Humanist bookhand
I ended up entering this piece into the A&S Defender's of Quintavia competition (theme was Quintavia colors which are white and green). Think baronial champs, but for the Shire. Also #3 scroll with gilding on my own.
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