Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Queen's Order of Courtesy - Philip

This last minute scroll assignment was one I could not say no to.  We were finishing up with E&T's second reign, Thyra and I are preparing to go to Germany in a week,  all the things are happening.....and yet I jumped at the chance to do this one.  Philip was one of the awesome people I had met during our fantastical world tour of  the East and beyond and I was surprised to learn how much behind the scenes things he did to help dancing happen at the royal progress events.

Given the short timeline (~3 days), I wanted something simple, yet elegant....and also I needed to work gold in there somehow.  I did created the words with some editing help from Thyra.

Scroll Assignment:
Queen's Order of Courtesy
Recipient: Philip White
Hand: carolingian miniscule
Specs: Guache on bristol
Source: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84546727/f191.image

The picture I had taken is a little dark, but I still think it came out well.

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