Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Silver Rapier - Matthias

Ah now this was a fun one!  I had gotten seeeeeeecret word from the heraldic staff of Kenric and Avelina that this was likely happening.  As Vice President of the Matthias Fan Club and his consort, I asked Nest for this assignment when it became available.

Fun facts about this project:
- I hemmed and hawed about which source to use and nerded out a bit with some fencers about German fencing manuals.

- Painting in 90+ degrees makes the paint dry REALLY fast which is very frustrating.  Holy crap it was hot that day.

- Alys is a wordsmithing saint and Eva's "messy-terrible "calligraphy is better than my calligraphy on any given day and she's a perfectionist.

- I picked this picture because it reminded me of LARPing and "losing an arm" while in a fight.  It narrowly won over the picture of someone getting bashed in the face with a buckler that Thyra really liked.

- I worked on a portion of this scroll at Matthias and Thyra's house with Matthias RIGHT THERE.  After all this was for "some dude with a weird name" *shrug* and I "wasn't going to see this scroll again anyways so meh". :P  Matthias did offer a few compliments on the illumination as I was working.

Without further ado - the uncleaned up pic Eva sent me right after she finished her calligraphy (which I think is still awesome).

Scroll assignment:Order of the Silver Rapier
Recipient: Matthias Grunwald
Calligraphy: By Eva Woderose
Words: By Alys Mackyntoich
Specs: Guache on pergamenata
Source: German fencing manual -

Award of Arms - Eudes

Going up to Tir Mara is always fun. This time I got to bring scrolls with me to be given out at Crown Tournament.  The one tough part in making scrolls for recipients up in Tir Mara is the panic after I had finished of "Oh crap....was this supposed to be in French?!??!".  I rechecked the assignment and no preference in language was listed.  Well...too late.  It's in English.  Hopefully the French Heralds can translate if need be (and they did).

Recipient: Eudes de Creully
Assignment: Award of Arms
Hand: carolingian miniscule
Specs: gouache on pergamenata
Source: (forthcoming)